

Buying gifts should be simple, but the weeks leading up to Christmas seem to cause so much stress for many people. Budgets are stretched to breaking point as credit cards are filled up, and the amount of trips to shopping centres and cities that are required is seemingly endless – beginning long before December, and… Continue reading >


Regardless of how anti-religion you may be, you have to admit that it does have some advantages. Christmas, for example. A few days off work for many people across the country to enjoy the company of family and friends you seldom see; to indulge in a festive food and drink feast; to make the most… Continue reading >


In consumer Britain, Christmas is the time of year when more money is handed over to retailers than at any other. I was walking past a John Lewis store on Thursday, where the window display comprised entirely of a Christmas theme. On the glass was the phrase: “Everything you need for your home this Christmas”…. Continue reading >