

The government’s ‘estimate’ that tomorrow’s strikes would cost Britain up to £500million was widely criticised by Union representatives. Danny Alexander came up with the amount, saying: “£500 million is a realistic worst-case estimate of the impact of this day of strike action on the economy, assuming that everyone the unions balloted goes on strike. That’s… Continue reading >


The Labour Party are in Liverpool for their annual conference, and are already making headlines. But is the announcement of their policy on student fees one of the most pointless headlines they could have generated? Ed Miliband’s party would apparently limit student fees to £6,000-a-year. But only if they were in power and made the… Continue reading >


The recent news that the government has scrapped a news NHS IT system has unsurprisingly caused a lot of anger. Not anger caused as a result of abandoning a project which has been doomed to fail for some time, but anger at the amount of money thrown away on the scheme already. Of the £12bn… Continue reading >